Friday, September 20, 2013

What's Happenin Haddie?

Haddie has been doing better and better over the past couple of days or so. She is back down to her normal size and seems to feel a bit better. We had a family meeting on Wednesday and made a few decisions on how to go about things. We made a plan with the doctors regarding Haddie's little seizures. If she has eye twitches or little arm/ feet shakes (indicators of a real seizure) 5 times in an hour OR if she has a seizure lasting more than 5 minutes then they will give her an extra dose of the seizure medication. Yesterday she had to have an extra she has not. And yesterday and today she has been more awake.

They are trying to get Haddie off of the breathing tube. They had 2 trials today and she passed the 1st and failed the 2nd. So they are going to wait until tomorrow to try again. At CHOP they just took it out and put her on CPAP. Here they leave the tube in, turn it off, and see how she does. Hopefully tomorrow she can pass all 3 tests throughout the day.

The interesting news today is that they MIGHT not have to put the shunt back in. Dr Chen, the surgeon that took it out, said that Haddie's head is smaller and theres a chance she may no longer need the shunt. They will test her on that over the weekend. I won't go into all of the details of how they will test her, cause it's hard to understand if you aren't here, but basically by next Tuesday we should know if she needs the shunt or not. They said to plan on it going back in just so we won't be disappointed. If she does have to have it put back in, surgery will be on Wednesday.

It would be awesome if we can avoid putting it back in. If the shunt goes back in, then it can become infected again...which would put us right back in the hospital for an extended stay.

So the plan is to wait until next week and then we will know the plan. Haddie has to be on antibiotics for 2-3 weeks. We think that they will let us go home with an IV pump so we don't have to stay.

It's a blessing to be close to home...yes...2 hours is close especially when you've been in Philly all summer! I will be coming home this weekend and staying until Tuesday night. Time for me to get back to work and get some things done at the Belpre Church. It's a wonderful place to be and I am excited to do some "church work" next week.

Hope you all have a great weekend! Please pray that she can get the breathing tube out and that she doesn't need the shunt put back in. God bless!

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