They tested the bacteria and it is a staff infection. This is a very common infection. The doctors say that most likely she contracted the infection either from the initial shunt placement surgery or from her own body. This type of bacteria is all over hospitals and she could have had it in the shunt when it was placed. Or the bacteria in her body could have found the shunt and decided to grow there. It was not contracted by people seeing her and touching her. If a shunt gets infected within the first month of it being placed it almost always is due to the placement or the body. After a month, they will assume it was contracted from outside sources such as people.
So if you saw her or touched her, don't freak out and think you caused this...we don't think you did. We were careful with people and doubt she picked up any bugs that way.
Now we wait. Once the fluid is tested and comes back negative of any infection, they will count 10 days just to be safe. Then they will place a new shunt. Recovery time is a day or two for that. They most likely will continue antibiotics at home.
The good news is that Haddie is already showing signs of improvement. Her heart rate is in the 150s, her eyes seem to lock on to you more, and she's back to her feisty, beat up the nurses attitude. She's very chubby due to the IV fluid she is on. Its tough to see her so swelled up but thats part of the recovery process.
We are staying up at Kate's parents house which is an hour away. We appreciate the offers to stay in the Akron/Canton area...we just feel at home here and the drive isnt that bad. We are allowed visitors and we are happy to see people. Please just call before you come so we can make sure Haddies not in a procedure and there's not already people visiting. We can only have 4 people in the room at a time. We are usually there from 12-6.
Also, we will be coming back to Belpre Sunday for the baby shower. Haddie is stable and we feel comfortable leaving her with the nurses for a day.
Thanks for your prayers. We are positive. God has brought us this far and we trust he will see us home again. Hope you all have a great 9/11. May God bless His church, our country, our communities, and our families.
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