Monday, October 21, 2013


Something isn't quite right with Haddie but we still aren't sure what. They keep checking to make sure that her shunt is okay. The doctor says it is okay. And the CT scan shows that it's okay. But her symptoms seem to point that it's a shunt problem. She's lethargic and still has the lower heart rate.

They have checked her for some type of respiratory virus and so far all of the cultures have came back negative for that. She definitely sounds like she has an upper respiratory problem though...very phlegmy.

So we can't put our finger on what the main problem is just yet. They are giving her antibiotics just in case.

So we will wait and see I guess. Not much more we can do. God is good.

Thanks so much for your prayers.  

1 comment:

  1. She is a good little soldier. It doesn't seem quite fair for her to have to fight so many battles. I know life is not always fair, there is a purpose in all of this, and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. When all of this is over, she should be one strong little girl.
