Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Haddie Update

As you know we were scheduled to come home on Monday but had a shunt valve replacement surgery done instead. They talked about discharging us yesterday but Kate and I were not big fans of that idea. Haddie follows a pattern after you mess with her head...she does okay right after surgery, then has a few seizures that don't last very long, goes a few hours without any seizures, and then has a long one that requires additional medication.

If we were sent home and she had a seizure lasting for more than 5 minutes, we would have to give her a rescue dose of medication, call 911, and take another helicopter ride. So we said we should probably wait a day.

And Haddie had a seizure. 24 hours after surgery. That lasted 6 minutes.

I'm glad we know our daughter so well...I just wish she would prove us wrong sometimes! They gave her some ativan which stopped the seizures and helped her out. Overnight she didnt have any more seizures or problems. The plan is for her to still come home today. Which we are okay with now.

We appreciate the continued prayers. Our hope is to get Haddie home sometime today and keep her at home for at least a couple of weeks. We obviously hope for longer than that but we know it's likely that she will have to have the valve replaced again. But God is able and can do miracles...we already are aware of that.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Keeping Haddie in my prayes

    Strangers from the West side of Ohio
