Saturday, October 19, 2013

Back in Akron, Another Surgery

Last night Around 4pm Haddie started having short seizures again. Her heart rate also was rather low. She normally has a heart rate around 130 and hers was in the 100s. Kate called Akron and they thought we should bring her in to get her checked out.

We got her around 10 and did some tests. We got admitted around 1. It was a rather stressful night. We had given her seizure meds at 9pm, she had a seizure lasting 3 minutes in the ER so they dosed her with Ativan, then after consulting neurosurgery they wanted to give her a 1 time extra dose of phenobarbital. We told them that wasn't our favorite idea but since we were tired and just wanted to get checked in we went with it. By the time we got admitted Haddie was having her heart rate dip into the 40s because of the sedation.

She did okay through the night. Neurosurgery looked at the CT scan and thinks Haddie's valve needs to be replaced. So they are going to do surgery at 10 this morning.

We would appreciate your prayers. Very rough night and we were frustrated that we let them do the extra dose of phenobarb. But she's okay now and hopefully this surgery will help her out. Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Rm 8:28.

    I know that you both already know this but sometimes its good to hear it. Our prayers are with you and your family. Be strong in Him.
