Thursday, September 12, 2013

Prayers Please

After writing this the results came back from the CT of her infection! So that's good. It's just gas that she has to pass. So it's serious but atleast it's not an infection. Praise God for that. 

I ask for your prayers knowing they havent ever stopped. God has always been in control of this and I know He is loving and cares for us. But the Bible says to call on His name and to send up prayers and petitions asking in faith. So I ask you to do that for Haddie now.

Haddie's infection is a doozy. It is still contained to her head which is a good thing. The infection is slowly getting better but it's still there and causing problems. They are treating it with antibiotics.

Haddie's belly is huge right now. They are checking as I write for what's causing the blockage. It could be air or it could be an infected abscess. Either way they will find out and try to lower her belly size. Her belly is putting pressure on her lungs which is making it harder for her to breathe. She is getting some fluid on them. So in short this has caused her "reserve" to be taken up. By that I mean it has made her fragile.

Last night at 4 am they went to suction her lungs and it didnt go well. Her heart stopped. They had to do chest compressions and within a short amount of time she recovered. They think her heart stopped because of all the stress on her lungs plus the infection on her brain.

She was stable for the most part until we came in at 12:30 and now they have her in CT to look at the belly blockage problem.

The dr. came in and told us this could go either way. She is slowly getting better and she may continue. They could find the reason for the big belly and fix that and she'd be doing a lot better. Or the infection could take its toll and get worse. And if that happens there's nothing more they can do really. Also, since she is fragile, at any point her heart could stop again. We have asked them to do chest compressions and help her if that happens. We think she's a fighter and we are going to give her every chance we can to survive.

50% doesnt scare me. The word fragile doesnt scare me. Are we concerned...absolutely. But I will not fear. God has proven again and again and again that He is in charge. He gets to decide how this plays out. So we ask you to talk to Him about our Haddie. We love her so much and 1 week at home with her was a blessing...but it's a blessing we want more of. We will trust Him and wait. That's all we can do.

And dang it, if any of you that are reading this don't have a relationship with God I encourage you pray about that. Talk to somebody about that. Our daughter is innocent and if God decides against what we want...I know she will be okay. But I know I'm not innocent and I know neither are you. I deserved death and eternity in hell and so do you. 1 sin separates us from God. He is too holy to be around sin. But thanks be to Christ, I am innocent in God's eyes now. The question is: are you? I don't mean to preach at you but I honestly don't know how you live without knowing for sure where you will go when you die....which could happen at any moment. Being a good person isnt good enough. You need to accept Christ and be baptized into His name to be sure. Christ saves us; baptism is how we call on his name. So if you haven't done that and you are reading this...please consider that. I want you to know the joy, peace, and hope that we have. Despite us going through this crazy storm...we have peace and assurance. Do you?

Thanks for your prayers and may the Lord bless you.


  1. Prayer being lifted and updated the email prayer chain guys!!!

  2. Your faith is absolutely, without any doubts, the greatest thing I have ever witnessed. THANK YOU!!!! Prayers for all of you.

  3. Love's prayers for your strength, endurance, perseverance AND for Haddie's healing, healing, healing... Thank You for trusting in the ONE who can do all things! GIGATTAATTGIG
