Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Foolin Around With An EEG

We had our EEG today. Turns out, Haddie is an alien. April Fools! Okay, now that we've got that out of the way, here's the scoop.

Haddie's EEG went pretty good. Not a lot has changed but it does present some good possibilities. There is activity in areas of Haddie's brain where there hasn't been activity before. The not so good news is that there's a bit too much. The EEG lines tend to spike in certain areas. However, this could just be lines showing up because things are starting to fire and Haddie's brain is figuring things out.

Dr. Enlow couldn't really say if it was good or bad but said time will tell. The spikes, while showing increasing activity, could still point toward infantile spasms. He is increasing the dose of her one seizure med and getting rid of the other. Our old nemesis drug, phenobarbital, will be gone in 2 weeks! It has served us well but it has also cause Haddie to sleep a great deal as well.

So all in all we are happy. Doctors in Philadelphia predicted that she wouldn't have any brain activity. Period. And they were right. For a while. But you never know what the brain can do....especially when 10,000 some people plus have prayed for it. She also doesn't have to come back to see neurosurgery for 6 months. We come back in 3 weeks to get another EEG with Dr. Enlow. God is good.

We also found out that we are still feeding Haddie too much probably. Our pediatricians opinion is that she needs to have excess weight to bank on if she would get sick again. The dietician we saw today agreed but not to the extent where we are. Haddie's weight for her age (17.6lbs) is in the 97th percentile. However her height (25inches) is in the 1st percentile. Translation: we got a round little girl on our hands. And while that may help her if she gets sick, in the long run it could hurt her. We know for a fact is has literally slowed her down some. She used to roll over and now she can't. So our plan is to cut back on how much fortification we put into her feeds.

Praise God on behalf of us today. It has been a good one. He continues to help our Hadassah and that is no joke. Have a great week!

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