Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I think Thanksgiving will be a little different this year. We are hosting Kate's entire family and my entire family tomorrow. This isn't our first time doing this. The tables are set up, the tvs are ready to show some football, and the turkey is brining as I write. But as I look around the rooms, I noticed something different this year. In the large family room there's a pack-n-play besides the table. In our bedroom there's a bassinet. In the garage there's an empty box where a stroller used to be. In the family room I'm sitting in now there are two swingy, rocky chair things(yes, that's the technical name for them) and a stack of diapers and burp cloths.

And upstairs in a bathtub getting washed up is a Haddie.

And for that, we are extremely thankful.

Because you and I both know it didn't have to turn out like this. At several points God could have done something else. But for some reason I'm not quite sure of, God let us keep our Haddie. God chose this path for us. And hard as it's been at points, it's all been worth it. She's here. She's home. And that is still hard to believe.

Haddie has been doing well after her last surgery (well, the 2 in 1 day that is). She has woken up more and her eyes seem to be tracking better. We are continuing to work with her to get her better at taking milk from the bottle.

Please specifically pray for that if you could. By the end of December our doctor wants Haddie taking 720 mls(24oz) by bottle a day. If she isn't there, he wants to put in a G-tube. This will require a surgery and a tube placed directly into her belly. Apparently this has less of a chance of infection as her NG feeding tube has now. We really want to avoid this if possible. But Haddie doesn't always cooperate. Please pray that she does!

God is good. We hope that you all have a very good Thanksgiving. I think we all have a lot to be thankful for.

Here's a video of Hadassah before bed the other night:


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! So thankful to still be following Haddie's story!

  2. How cute, and how thankful we are, too, for God´s blessings to you in such a wonderful way.
