Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Record Breaker

Well we are breaking records left and right. We have had Haddie home for 11 days...and it's looking like we will get a few more! We took her to Akron for a checkup...and they didnt keep her!

We met with neurosurgery and they checked the shunt. They seemed to think everything was fine. Our 2 concerns was that she had a high heart rate last night and that when we pump her shunt 30 times every 3 hours it doesn't fill up well at the end. They were not concerned with the heart rate and said that we might only need to pump the shunt 10 times every 3 hours rather than 30. So they sent us home! We have to go back in a week for follow up. O and she gained weight...she's up from 8lbs 10oz last week to 9.3 this week!

God is good. He always has been. We are just thankful for every single day we have at home with her. She probably will have to have the shunt valve replaced at some point but for now we will just enjoy our Haddie. And keep breaking records...and expectations.

1 comment:

  1. It has been such a blessing to read about God´s goodness to you all and Baby Haddie. How precious she is! and so cute! May the Lord continue to encourage your hearts,
