A week ago Friday we went up to Akron to see a nutritionist. We had felt that we had been feeding Haddie way too much. We trust our pediatrician on most stuff but the amount he had us feeding her seemed to be a bit much so we figured we could go up there and get a second opinion. While eating Haddie would get very tired and often would throw up a bit...maybe once a day would she take her full amount. The nutritionist agreed with us. She said that Haddie is growing so fast that it is impeding her development. She's so chunky it is making it harder for her to get the muscles she needs to lift her head.
We were feeding her 160mls every 5 hours. Our pediatrician wants her to grow between 20-30 grams a day. The nutritionist said that for Haddie's size she should be growing only 15-20 grams a day. She suggested we drop to feeding her 145 mls every 5 hours or to do 120 every 4 hours. We chose the later and Haddie has been doing great with it.
But we had to tell our doctor on Thursday. It didnt start off too well. He disagreed with the nutritionist and said she didn't see the whole picture. This stressed us out a bit because we would have to choose whom we should trust on this. But as we explained how we had switched over and how she had still gained weight he said that maybe it would work. He agreed that her intake was slowing her development. He was okay with that because his goal is to get Haddie caught up. He said he wants h
er to have extra weight in case Haddie had to go back to a hospital again and would need the reserve. He said that since she is still gaining weight he will go with it and coordinate with the nutritionist to form a plan. So we were happy about that. Feeding her is less stressful and she actually seems to be hungry...and o by the way...she weighs 14lbs 14 oz right now!
Haddie has been doing great. She's getting bigger and is slowly learning how to hold up her head and move a bit more. We had a physical therapy session the other day where we learned to do some yoga with her that will help her out. It's just so awesome to see how far she has come. We go back to Akron on the 10th to see what her seizure situation is.
Hope you have a warm and safe day. God bless!
Thanks for the update. The nutritionist's advice makes sense.