And that's what we are doing with Haddie. There's many, many, many moguls behind us. Just read the previous blogs to see that. And now, there's another mogul in front of us called West Syndrome.

There's a few options but the best treatment is a drug called Sabril. It has been tested and seems to have the best results. The doctor believes that this could reduce or even get rid of the hypsarrhythmia. This could really help Haddie in her future development. The negative: 30% of those that taking Sabril suffer some kind of peripheral vision loss. Some of the 30% lose so much that they can only see what's right in front of them and others only lose the edges. We would prefer her to not lose any eyesight. But we also want her to be able to hold up her head, to crawl, or just to smile at us (parents, don't take that smile for granted...we are longing to see Haddie do it!)
So we are going to go for it. It's a bump, a mogul, a...pain in the butt. But God is good...and we pray that he will use this drug to help our Haddie. She's 9 months old today. She's growing (15lbs 8oz), she's moving, she's beautiful, and she has a personality...we have a lot to be thankful for. Hadassah is already a winner.
Bring on the next mogul.
bless you all!!