Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Get Ready, Get Set

You know that moment right before a race starts and the runners are taking their marks. They are mentally picturing what they are going to do and how they are going to do it. And no matter how much preparation they have made, nothing really prepares them for when that gun goes off and the race actually starts. That's how I'd describe where we are.

We are preping for the race which starts in August. We know we have to get in shape for that but we also know there's no way to truly prepare for it.

In August, Haddie will start preschool at Ewing in Marietta. We have had a lot of meetings recently where they are evaluating her and making sure she gets what she needs when she's at school. The state requires a lot of paperwork and a lot of meetings just for our kid to go to school. But we are looking forward to her going. We know that she will benefit from being with other kids, having daily therapy, interaction, and weekly swims in their pool!

And we are also getting ready for this little person:
Pac Man is due August 18th. However we found out today that they really do NOT want Kate going into labor. So they will consider doing a C-Section at 35-37 weeks. That's the end of July which just so happens to be the same week my brother's wife, Bethany is due. 

So we have a baby's room to paint. We also are trying to reorganize our lives a bit. We know that with Haddie and Pac man, we are going to have our hands full. So right now we're trying to spend time doing the things that matter. Less time watching TV and more time preparing for the things coming up at the end of summer. 

So far everything is going great. We are tremendously blessed to be in this situation. We recognize not everyone gets this opportunity. So we try not to complain about anything but rather rejoice. We have a wonderful Fall coming. The time between now and then will be a tad hectic but we are up for it. So Get Ready, Get Set....

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