Monday, August 19, 2013

Another Bump in the Road

So I was hoping to write that Haddie was good to go and could come home on Wednesday. But that unfortunately isn't the case. Sigh.

We had a great weekend at home and surprised people with a visit. We told them Haddie most likely would be coming home this week. The doctor for the past 2 weeks has told us that they would decide today on Haddie being able to go home. As long as she didn't have any Bradys or major problems...she should be good to go. But we were a bit nervous because we knew that today we would get a new attending doctor because they rotate drs every 2 weeks. So we wondered if this doc would be on the same page. She wasn't.

If you can't tell from pictures, Haddie has a big head. No, she's not arrogant...she actually has a big head. That's due to there being fluid on her brain from the brain bleed. Every week they monitor her head circumference to see how much her head is growing. The doctor for the past 2 weeks didnt seem to think it was growing and it wasn't an issue. Today's doctor thinks it is growing and ordered a head ultrasound. The neurosurgeon who looked at the head ultrasound agreed with todays doctor and scheduled us for a shunt surgery on Wednesday.

We knew the shunt could be a possibility but nobody for the past month has mentioned it and didn't think it was needed. But apparently the doctors today saw it differently. The shunt will be put in her head and it will drain any excess fluid so there isn't pressure on her brain. It's a quick surgery and they say its a quick recovery...between 2-5 days.

We are very, very frustrated. We are frustrated that the doctors for the past 2 weeks either didnt catch this or that the doctor today is wrong. We were really hoping and planning to be home on Wednesday. But it seems that God has other plans for us. I guess it is better safe than sorry on something like this. We really hope she does well and we can come home soon. This is life in the have smooth sailing for a while and then you hit a bump. This is just another bump. But at this point in the's a very annoying and pesky bump. We just have to ride it out.

Thanks for the love and prayers. Please keep bugging God for us. The persistent widow eventually got what she wanted and God is more caring than that widow's judge. He hears us. Please pray for a successful surgery and a quick recovery.

We love and miss you all. God bless.


  1. will pray that this is just another bump in the road. Praying for your lives to become more near normal soon.

  2. There are soooo many "bumps" in the road, but your family will make it. You grew-up on one of the bumpiest roads in Monroe County and look at you now. Prayers continually coming your way!!!

  3. With love and prayers from friends in Saskatchewan, Laurie & Ray...

  4. Big head or not, she is still cute. Prayers for a successful surgery, quick recovery and patience for mom and dad.
