Tuesday, April 30, 2013

No Drama From Mama

After Saturday, things have pretty much gone back to calm. We got back to CHOP yesterday by 2pm and were very excited to be back. HUP is a decent hospital and I'm sure they are good at what they do...but the service is just not the same. It's like staying at the uptown Hilton and then being sent to the Motel 6 in the shady part of town...same basic function...different people and scenery.

Kate has been improving with every passing day. She is very sore and is taking pain meds every few hours since she is off the epidural. It hurts the most when she gets up and goes to the bathroom. The 20 ft walk is enough to take it out of her. Despite it being painful, she was very happy to get a shower last night for the first time since Friday.

We found out today that the baby's heartrate is good and a few things have changed for the better. However, the fluid hasn't gone up much and that is of some concern. Frogger used to have too big of a pond to swim in and now the water level is a bit low. Their main fear is that some fluid might be leaking out of the incision on the uterus.

So the game plan is to watch it over the next few days to find out what the trend is. If it goes up then we might be able to leave the hospital. If it stays the same...they could possibly do an embryonic fluid transfer and add some fluid. If the fluid level goes down any then they might consider opening Kate back up and sealing the uterus better. After the progress we've made, we really aren't big fans of the last option there.

Needless to say, we aren't going home today or tomorrow. And by home we mean Kate's relative's house in New Jersey. I think most of you are aware that we won't be coming back to Ohio until the baby is born. Frogger has to be born here. And as I said before the biggest challenge is making sure the little one doesn't try and come early. For those of you who haven't been tracking, Kate is at 25 weeks and 5 days. 30 weeks would be better if the baby has to come.

We have to be moved down the hall to a double room tonight. Kate will be staying with the another girl who had fetal surgery on spinal bifida on Saturday. She will go home tomorrow and then we will be moved to another private room. But the good news is that we will still be at CHOP.

Our spirits are good. Kate is eating whatever she wants and we are sleeping a lot better. Tomorrow is Kate's birthday so we will have to find some ways to make that special. Kate's just feeling the soreness of post surgery and the annoyance of bed rest. But all in all...we are doing good. Thanks again for the prayers, support, and more prayers. Hope you all are having a great week. God bless!


  1. Still praying for you three!

  2. Dear Heavenly Father
    Please listen to our prayers
    There is a family in need
    About whom we all care

    Hold Kate and Travis tightly
    Their love for you is strong
    God is Good no matter the journey
    And thy will is never wrong

    Frogger is so very small
    And needs more time to grow
    Kate needs some time to heal
    We pray thy will is so

    We haven’t forgotten Travis
    He will be quite a Dad
    And it doesn’t matter if Frogger
    Is a lassie or a lad

    We are also keeping the staff
    Of the hospital in our prayers
    For it is you who are guiding them
    In providing this special care

    So, Dear Heavenly Father
    Please listen to our prayers
    There is a family in need
    About whom we all care

    Beverly Powell

  3. Happy Birthday Kate!!! I hope that Travis does something extra special for you. You definitely deserve it.
