Haddie went in Monday for double hip surgery and everything went well. They did not have to cast her. They couldnt even put a brace on her because her little hips are so tiny...they didnt have a brace small enough. So they just positioned her using pillows. She was very sleepy on Monday and Tuesday. Plenty of pain meds to keep her comfortable. They originally said we would get out Wednesday. Kate and I know that when they give a day for discharge you might as well add 2-3 days on it. And that's been the case. Haddie tends to scare nurses with some of her Haddie-isms. One of which is her raspy breathing after eating. So they gave her a little oxygen. They didnt like when she coughed on her oral meds so they put them in her IV. So all of that is stuff we have to come back off of. They have to be safe and they don't know Haddie so we arent mad or anything. Haddie just likes to make things complicated!

She ate great yesterday and they took the oxygen off and this morning she should be off her pain pump. So if all goes well we should be discharged today they said...so we are planning on next week being discharged! Just kidding. Hopefully today we'll take our princess home and get her on the road to recovery. We don't have to worry about a brace. We'll just have to use pillows and whatnot to keep her legs from coming too far apart while she heals.
She's a tough little fighter. The hardest part is figuring out how much pain she is in or was in. She can take an awful lot. Thanks for your prayer and your love for my family. God is good.
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