People ask how Haddie likes Ansley. That is hard to say. She's not a big fan of the crying. For the first couple weeks we had to keep them separate since Haddie was sick. Ansley never caught any of what Haddie had thankfully.
It's been a bit of an adjustment getting used to having two kids. Ansley is obviously different than Haddie. She cries when she wants something. She keeps us up at night sometimes. She's a normal acting baby. Which is weird for us. But it is good. We are super blessed and learning how to live with two completely different kids. Kate's mom was here for the first 3 weeks and that was a major help. The hardest part since she has left has been that Kate is not allowed to lift Haddie right now due to her C Section. Once she gets cleared on that next week I think life will be a bit easier.
Need your prayers for tomorrow. We are taking Haddie to Akron to get her first round of Botox shots in her shoulders. The doctor thinks that she is very tight in her shoulders and by shooting botox directly into the shoulder muscle it will free up her arms to have more range of motion. Her therapy will be more productive if he's right. There are some risks involved that make us a bit nervous. He could hit the wrong spot and it may hurt Haddie's neck control. He seems to think it will be fine. The effects of the Botox only last 3 months anyways so if it works we can continue. If it doesn't we can stop. So we are hoping it helps her out. We'd appreciate your prayers on that. Below is the previous blog. Hope you all have a great week! God bless!
I realized that I left some of you hanging that follow the blog! Ansley Ray was born August 1 at 1:03pm, weighed 6lbs 11oz and was 19.5 inches long. As mentioned before I knew the the date but Kate did not. Once we hit July 28th I started messing with her. Some folks said if they were Kate they would have killed me. But this is what she be surprised and for it to be like a natural birth which is unpredictable. I had to make every day in the range (July 28-August 8) seem like it could be the day. So July 28th I drove her by Camden Clark making her think that was the day...until we went to breakfast. I did the same thing the next day. On the 1st I told her we had our weekly doctor's appointment and so I drove by Camden Clark and went around back into the parking lot of building C where her doctor is. As we started walking to the building I handed her a water balloon and a penknife to pop it. She did and I asked her what happened. She said her water broke. (Some of you who saw the video actually thought her water broke...nope...just me being goofy) So off we went to Camden Clark.
Everything went fairly well up until they started the C-section. Due to the previous two surgeries Kate had several adhesions and scar tissue. So when they opened her up they accidentally clipped a small section in her intestine. They called in a general surgeon to help with that and a few moments later Ansley was born. They fixed the issue and we got to spend some time with Ansley.

Kate recovered rather well despite being pretty sore. We came home three days later and have been enjoying time with both of our girls the past two weeks. Kate's mom has been here to help us which has been awesome!
Haddie seems to like Ansley. She looks around kind of confused when she cries. Haddie's had a little cold so we've had to keep them a part for the past couple of days.
Ansley is a pretty easy baby so far. She only cries when she's hungry or needs a change and after you take care of that she's fine.
We are very blessed to have a calm and normal pregnancy. We think Ansley and Haddie will learn from each other and will help each other out in time. Thanks for your prayers. God is good.
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