We took Hadassah to a Neurology visit on Wednesday in Akron and met her new and ongoing neurologist. To keep you straight because it can be confusing here's who we see:
Neurosurgery- They deal with Haddie's shunt
Neurology- They deal with Haddie's seizures and medications
Palliative Care- Dont worry, it's not the same as elderly palliative care. They simply coordinate our visits and keep track of Haddie's ongoing progress
Parkersburg- Our Pediatrician
Help Me Grow- Works with us on Haddie's physical therapy and her speech therapy (aka feeding). They come into our home once or twice a month.
Marietta- Speech and PT
We go over once a month to get some extra tips and advice for feeding and physical therapy
So anyhow, we met with Neurology to talk about Haddie's seizure medications Haddie didnt really have seizures until the shunt infection. So we are not entirely sure that she still needs to be on the meds. Dr. Enlow, our new doctor, said that may be the case but he's not so sure. He would have expected the seizures to stop after the infection cleared but instead we had to up our dosage on the meds.
But he's willing to test this out. We come back on January 7th to do an EEG. They will take a look at Haddie's brain and see if she has any signs of seizure activity. If she does not we will go with the "aggressive" plan. That plan would be to take away one of her meds and see how she does and then take away another med in a month or two. If she shows signs of seizures then we will go with the "conservative" plan. This plan will be to slowly tweak her meds and see what is going to work best for her over the coarse of a few years.

The other cool news is that Dr. E tested Haddies reflexes. When he pressed on the bottom of feet her feet shook a bit. He said this was due to Cerebral Palsy. We knew that Haddie could have this from the get go. He said though that he would expect someone with CP to be a lot tighter in her hands, arms, and legs...and Haddie is very loose. That was encouraging to hear because every day Kate and I do stretches with Hadassah to keep her loose....so it must be working.
3 nights ago we moved Haddie out of our room and into hers. She seems to be doing pretty well. All in all she is doing great. She is taking most of her bottle and she weighs over 12 lbs now! We meet with our doctor on Dec 30th to determine whether or not she will be getting a G Tube or if she can eat on her own without any tubes. We are hoping for the 2nd option.
Thanks for your prayers and please keep them coming. Pray that Haddie continues to eat well and that they see no signs of seizure on the 7th. God is good no matter what. We hope you all have an excellent Christmas and a happy New Year!!!!
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