Friday, June 28, 2013

Haddie Update 6-28-13

Been a few days since I have updated so we thought we would bring you up to speed. Haddie has been making some progress! Figure it might be easier to do this in categories:

Breathing- They extubated her last week and she was put on RAM...which is a type of high flow oxygen. She did great on that and so yesterday they bumped her down to just plain high flow. So far, so good.

Infection- They are continuing the antibiotics for the infection Haddie had. She seems to be doing better. They noticed that she was a little pale that past few days so on Wednesday they gave her a blood transfusion to help her out. That went well.

Food- She is up to 32mls of feed! So hopefully that will help her gain some weight a little more quickly. She currently weighs 3lbs 9oz.

Brady's- She did well while on RAM and had very few Brady's and Desats. Yesterday she had a few brady's. She was very agitated yesterday for some reason. But she's doing better today. Hopefully she can have less of them. Our goal- no bradys for 5 days/5 days of consistent weight gain. That equals her getting out into open air.

Future Surgery- Hadassah will, at some point, have to have a surgery to remove what's left of the teratoma. We had no clue as to when that would be. We called Dr. Flake and he said it would depend on her weight and an MRI of the area. She has to be 3kg before he would do the surgery. That's 6.6 lbs. So we know it will be a little while. However, Haddie may be able to go home before the surgery and then come back. Say she gets out of her box, breathes and feeds well on her own...but she's only 5 lbs or so...he said he wouldn't keep us in the NICU just to wait for weight gain. But ideally it would be good for her to gain the weight and get the surgery so we could go home and not have to come back. The MRI will reveal if the teratoma is growing or going to cause any other problems.

Visitors!!!!   We had the Tewangers and Metz last weekend. Kate's mom and grandparents got here Monday and are staying until the 5th. My parents are coming out Monday and Tuesday for their 30th anniversary. The Belpre youth group is coming out to do a service project and visit Haddie the 4-6th...then on the 6th the Brown's from Belpre are stopping in on their way to New York. Whew!!! We are excited to see all these people! It keeps us busy and we love to show off our cute little girl.

All in all, we are doing pretty good. We get homesick from time to time but that's normal I guess. We keep rolling and praying Haddie keeps making progress. We are really hoping we can make it back home in August. Thanks for all the prayers and support. God is good.

Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!

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