"How are you?" Emphasis on "how". Eye brows raised. Look of concern. I can see people asking us that because we've been asked that question a lot. It's not a passing "how are ya". It's not a cliche greeting. It's a sympathy-filled, heart felt, gut wrenching question that people want to know the answer to. And we are glad that people care enough to ask. We know they care.
The answer, however, is complicated. We are a lot of things right now. It's a mixed bag. We are sad and happy at the same time. We are relieved in many ways and then feel guilty for feeling relieved. We are grateful and also in shock. Sometimes we are emotional and other times we are numb. I think anyone who's dealt with loss or grief can relate in some way.
Some folks expect us to be devastated I think. And in a sense you could say we are. But not fully. We actually have a good amount of peace about this. And that comes from a faith in God.
If you'll hang with me for a minute I want to unpack that. This is gonna be a little preachy but it has a point so hang in there. Many folks believe in God. But James is going to say "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder." It's not enough just to recognize that there is a God. That's obvious. Demons believe that. What God is looking for is for people to draw near to Him and follow Him. To live for Him and trust Him..even when it all falls apart.
As I've said, Haddie was innocent. I do not believe she had sin on her as a child. Which is good because the Bible tells us that sin is what separates us from God. Maybe you knew that already. Or maybe you're one of the many folks that thinks everyone gets into heaven (except for Hitler, Bin Laden, and the other really bad people) That is simply NOT what God tells us. He says that all have sinned. Romans 6:23-For the wages of sin is death. . That's not just physical death but spiritual. If you die in that condition, you are separated from God for eternity. Being a nice and generous American doesn't pay the penalty. Just going to church occasionally doesn't pay the penalty. Death does. You have to pay the price.
Unless...someone pays it for you. And the only person that can do that is Jesus. God sends His own son who never sinned to pay for your sin. He showed us how to live. And then he showed us his love by dying for us. And here's the awesome part, he doesnt stay dead. He takes the keys of death from Satan and rises. And because of that, we can have a place called heaven. Because of that I know that Haddie is with our risen Savior. My dad is there too.
But the question I have is...how are you? Are you certain you are going there one day? If so, based on what? If it's based on anything other than your faith in Jesus, you might need to rethink that. The Bible spells out that if we believe in Jesus, reenact his death and resurrection through the symbolic act of baptism (Acts 2:38) then we are no longer condemned. We can know for sure where we are going. And Kate and I know for sure where we are going. Not because we deserve it (because we don't). Not because we are super parents (because we aren't), but because of our faith in Jesus.
THAT is how we have peace through this. It's not the end. We are in a win, win situation as my dad believed. 36,000 people read the blog last Tuesday. I want all 36,000 to be in heaven. I doubt that many read this post. Unless maybe you share it. But the question I say to you with all of the love and concern in my heart is this...how are you?
***If you'd ever like to talk about this stuff feel free to reach out to us. We don't have all of the answers. But we'd love to talk about the one answer we do have. God is good.