Thought we'd give you a quick update on Haddie since it's been a while. Hadassah has been doing pretty well recently. People always ask how her development is coming and we say slowly but surely. She makes some progress and then we have a minor set back. But we thank God these days have just been minor setbacks. Shes had an ear infection this past week but is coming out of it.
Haddie's therapy sessions have been going well. They currently have her working with switches where she can activate a switch and it turns on a moving toy. She seems to like some toys better than others. This could help us out greatly down the road in communicating what she wants. They make switches that are way more advanced. However, we still believe Haddie girl will talk some day so we the switches may just be for fun anyways. Don't tell her but Santa may be bringing her her very own switch toy for Christmas.
We also found out that Haddie has a temper. We thought she was having seizures at first. Her face would turn red, she'd kind of lock up, turn her head to the side and let out a scream lasting around 10-15 seconds...quite startling if you've never seen her do it...extremely startling at 3:30 in the morning coming through her video monitor which amplifies sound (envision a pterodactyl dinosaur coming down on you). Our neurologist investigated and doesnt believe those are seizures. Kids with seizures do not turn red. Kids who are mad turn red. Which makes sense because just about every one of those screams can be related to her being angry...pooping, laying on one side for too long, being hungry, or waking up in the wee hours of the night and no one is awake...etc.

Thanks always for your thoughts about us and our family. God is still using Haddie to show people that He's good and in charge. Hope you all have a great Christmas. Never forget about the miracles God gives us through Christ.