So that's the crazy not so fun news. The good news is that she continues to learn and progress despite the seizures. She has really been enjoying eating stage 1 baby food off of a spoon. She loves the strawberry/apple mixture. She will take as many spoonfuls of that as we will give her. She also likes, peaches, sweet potatoes, carrots, and peas. She's not so keen on the broccoli...who can blame her! Earlier today we saw speech therapy and they started to give her the stage 1 food via a cup. This will help her prepare to use a cup more and more as we progress. We are transitioning away from the bottle and using the spoon and cup more and more. They were also happy to see how Haddie's motor skills are improving.
She currently weighs close to 20lbs and is 26.7in long . As time goes on we just know that God is good. Haddie keeps us on our toes and sometimes it is tough...but she is here. We'll deal with the negative stuff that happens and rejoice in the positive. God is good in both situations.
Hope that you all are having a great summer. Please pray that we get these seizures under control soon. Summer gets busy and it would be a blessing to not have to worry about that!