The only negative is that she still has the feeding tube in. We have been giving her oral stimulation with each feed to try and keep her feeding skills up while its in. After the 1st, if everything looks good, we will schedule another swallow study. Really hoping she can pass that so we can get that tube out. If she fails, we are probably headed toward a G-Tube...the port in her belly that requires a surgery. From the sounds of our blogs it might seem like we view the g-tube as the antichrist or something. We know its not that bad and many kids do well with it. But to us it would just feel like a step in the wrong direction. But we shall see.
God is good. Life with Haddie has been good. It's a struggle sometimes. We have to push ourselves to push her. That's what she needs. It's just hard sometimes to tell if she likes something or if she is ticked off at you. I need to speak "grunt" a little better. But we love giving her baths and playing with her. Just the little things that most people wouldnt notice are what drive us to keep going. The other night we put her in her seat and put the mobile above her. She started batting at the dangling animals. We cheered for her like a college frat boy at the NCAA tournament.
We took a look at some old videos from the NICU last night. That seems like a dream now. We have come so far. God is faithful and good.
Hope you all have a great week!