Monday, July 20, 2015

What's Up With Haddie

Been a little bit since I updated last. Haddie has been doing quite well. She continues to work on her head control and her crawling. It's slow coming but she gets her practice in every day. Usually around 7pm is when she's in the mood to crawl. Her legs and arms get to matter where we are at...and that means she is ready to start scooting. She also enjoys time in her stander. I'm not sure how but this is her favorite place to take a nap.

About 3 weks ago Hadassah passed her swallow study. This gives us freedom to give her straight liquids! So every day we have been working on giving her a sippy cup. Our next goal is to get her chewing more. she already does some but it's not overly organized and effective...unless you are trying to brush her teeth. she hates that.

We have no complaints. Haddie keeps on doing her thing and life has been uneventful...which is good. Thanks for remembering her and keeping her in your prayers. she continues to show the power and creativity of God. He is good!

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