Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas and a Haddie New Year

So I said I was going to update more in my past post. Turns out I lied. Sorry. But I still love you...and I know you still love Haddie so I will get a pass this time :)

The EMU stay ended up being a good thing. We found out she was having little seizures and they were happening more frequently. We took away a med, added a new med called Onfi, and things are much better. It makes her a little sleepy still but she's starting to come out of that. And we've seen a lot less of those little seizures.

We keep working with her on head control and other basic motor skills. It's a daily chore but one we don't mind doing. There's a million and two exercises we could do with her but we try to focus on a few simple ones each day.

She's eating like a champ. And drinking. We thicken water just a bit and she slurps it down pretty well. She takes 500 calories of food off of a spoon each day.

We've enjoyed time at Christmas the past couple of days. Haddie likes to hang out with her new cousins Jensen and Sylvain. She was a good girl this year so Santa came to see her. She wasn't so sure about him though...
 Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. God is very good. We hope you remember the best gift of all...the sacrifice of his Son. Merry Christmas and a Haddie (happy I mean) New Year!

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